Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 193,938,194 Issue: 724 | 18th day of Running, Y18
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A Neopian Sunset

by suixx

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Eclectic Antics: Kass and the Village People
Kass even tried bringing a gift. There's just no pleasing them.

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Rhoasy's Raddest Restaurants: Grundo's Cafe!
After a long waiting period and a good old fashioned temper tantrum by yours truly, we’ve finally made it, and I’m happy to give you what you’ve been waiting so long for: my review of Grundo’s Cafe, an interesting eatery right on the space station recreation deck!

by tennesseethomas


The Lament of the Water Faerie
The Lament of a Water Faerie, or "Why the Fountain Faerie’s Quests are Overrated and Everyone in Neopia is an Ungrateful Snorkle

by phoenix_through_fire


Janet and Jane: The Case of the New Addition: Part Four
For a minute, it was as if time froze. I didn't mean for that to slip out. One, this was not a good time. Someone could come up to us in a second and wonder what we were doing. Two, I was not prepared. Not being prepared was something that got me in a whole bunch of problems.

by chasing_stars44

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