Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 193,961,411 Issue: 727 | 8th day of Eating, Y18
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Favorite Pastime

by twillieblossom

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Magma Contacts
This is why you don't buy rip-off Lava Contacts for half the price...

by madamidgaf


Lab Ray vs. Beauty Contest
Noooo!Also by breezah_baby

by mustikeuh121


Neopian Zombie Apocalypse: How to Survive
The next stage is on survival. Now that you know where to hide your neopets, it is time to learn how to survive the Neopian zombie apocalypse. Surviving long term until the Neopian scientists find a cure for this catastrophe is the most essential step you can take in helping your neopets live longer as a non-zombified neopet.

by yuri445


How To Be A Little Less Grey
Grey Day doesn't always have to be so gloomy

by 1_doglefox

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