Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 193,986,304 Issue: 730 | 29th day of Eating, Y18
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Clever Kadoatie

by pinksrainbow

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Purveyor of Precious Toys: The Toy Shopkeeper
As Lupe Day approaches, the minds of Neopians across the globe turn to famous Lupes that have contributed to our world. In honor of this holiday, my Purple Lupe named Snazztacular and I decided to interview a famous Lupe: the shopkeeper of the Toy Store in Neopia Central.

by _brainchild_


The True Daily Dare
Ahhh, sibling rivalry.

by xxsicklullabiesxx


The Bennett Files: Neggs Over Easy
Pets were milling about on the streets, anticipating the announcement signaling the start of the hunt. One Woodland Uni decided to stay inside, however, choosing instead to focus on a few odd experiments. His name was Bennett, and as a detective, he reasoned that he had better things to do than to search for brightly-colored Neggs like a hyperactive child.

Also by phoenix_through_fire

by amarettoball


Not Potato Counter AGAIN...
Based on a real event!

by furzle

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