Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 194,049,981 Issue: 735 | 3rd day of Relaxing, Y18
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Royal Pain

by winner19955

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'Tis the Season!!
What a perfect time to welcome a new member to the family ;)

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Origins: Ethel Boortz
With a sigh, Ethel Boortz slowly eased her way up out of her rocking chair, crossed the porch, and made her way down the steps towards her young grandchildren. "Michah and Kayla, what did I tell you about Yooyball matches?"

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Pea Like - Part 1
I did not think this through.

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by meowbey


Raising Intelligence is Hard
No Meercas were pounded in the making of this comic.

Also by blueberrymuffinpops.

by scechoi

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