Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 194,077,254 Issue: 737 | 17th day of Relaxing, Y18
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Protect Your Peas, Please!

by littledude61394

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Unlikely Friends
Royce the Elderly Bruce had spent the first half of his life carrying a sack of mail from one Neohome to another and delivering messages. His assigned locality had been in the suburbs of Neopian Central, and he’d known the area like the back of his right flipper. Each day he’d trudged down the same streets, waved hello to the same group of gossiping Unis trotting down Usuki Avenue, and made his way past a half-dozen Lupes out by their decks. That was all a lifetime ago, before Royce had been swept up in the glamorous world of petpet shows.

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The AC commentators have surprisingly poor observational skills.

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