White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 194,077,254 Issue: 737 | 17th day of Relaxing, Y18
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Trouble in Paradise: Ideas

by chasing_stars44

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YYB - The Disadvantage of Being the Opposing Team
This is just getting ridiculous.

by goldensif


The Weight of the Rescue
Find out who is the real MVP of Warf Rescue Team.

by carrotbreath


Protect Your Peas, Please!
But your cape today, available at the Hidden Tower!

by littledude61394


Boochi and Dr. Landelbrot: An Exposé
I took it upon myself to track down and interview the infamous former villain, bringing him right to my Faerieland home. Believe me when I say I was incredibly anxious to publish this, given the possible consequences, but as a journalist it is my responsibility to get the truth out there. So, for all of you out there who have ever had your doubts about a certain Lutari, here is that interview.

by bizniscorg

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