Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 194,077,254 Issue: 737 | 17th day of Relaxing, Y18
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Shootout Showdown

by scechoi

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Unlikely Friends
Royce the Elderly Bruce had spent the first half of his life carrying a sack of mail from one Neohome to another and delivering messages. His assigned locality had been in the suburbs of Neopian Central, and he’d known the area like the back of his right flipper. Each day he’d trudged down the same streets, waved hello to the same group of gossiping Unis trotting down Usuki Avenue, and made his way past a half-dozen Lupes out by their decks. That was all a lifetime ago, before Royce had been swept up in the glamorous world of petpet shows.

by sunbathr


Not an Artist
That's NOT how it's done.

by mythicalcanadian


Altador Cup XI Match Report: Out On The Field
This is Kuszemi for the Neopian Times, and today we will be joining Team Moltara and Team Shenkuu out on the field for a game of Yooyuball. There’s going to be lots of running around, I hope we can keep up with them.

by an9375


Tasting Kauvara's Potions
What a better way to celebrate Kau day than to sample some of Kauvara's finest morphing potions? Cow, the Yellow Kau and also our exclusive Neopian Times Reporter went into Mrs Kauvara's workshop today both to sample her morphing potions and to give her a quick interview to help her break away from her busy schedule and enjoy a restful Kau Day.

by m0nster_rancher

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