Meow Circulation: 194,126,976 Issue: 740 | 15th day of Swimming, Y18
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Ecstatic, Erratic, and Manic: The Space Faerie

by elementdragongirl

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5 Tips for Getting Difficult Game Avatars
We avatar collectors all have similar aspirations: show off the Big Three on the AC, finally achieve the elusive Avatar Collector av, and to wipe that single tear off of our cheeks when we get the ‘Something Has Happened!’ after sending the perfect score to win a game avatar. If you’re an avatar collector on the rise--especially if you were recently introduced to Neopets or started fresh with a shiny new account--game avatars are key to achieving your goals.

by krazypinkgurl


It begins.

by spunkydog34


Hide and Seek
Let's try another game...

by supertualet


Papa's Got Jokes
Dad puns are the best puns

Also by Kevinthinksyourcute

by whssoftball11

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