White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 194,151,536 Issue: 742 | 29th day of Swimming, Y18
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Crushing Surprise

by sanamm

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Happy Peophin Day!
Everybody loves Peophins, but the real question is... What are they?

by scechoi


Daniel from Merrida
I’m from Merrida, Meridell. I was born on the North of Meridell, far away from the Darigan Citadel but yet not too far to say I’m a Brightvale citizen: so you can tell our location favoured our village (my family and all the villages) during the wars. I think it is something I should be thankful for.

Also by grimlane

by alienigenosidad


Customisation Time!
A freshly-painted Techo walks by...

by loislanny


Defender Scarlet Shadow in the Gem of Rundeth: Part Two
Snow covered every flat inch of Happy Valley in a thick white blanket and Sopherie watched in amusement as Jaidenenk tried to keep up with her, obviously unfamiliar with the snow. Jaidenenk did spend his time in warmer climates. Jaidenenk turned to glare at Sopherie.

by orisasda

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