A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 194,151,536 Issue: 742 | 29th day of Swimming, Y18
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Papa's Got Jokes - Gravity

by whssoftball11

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The Delicious Way to Celebrate Meridell Day
Another year gone by, another Meridell Day to celebrate! On this day in Year 4 Meridell was discovered. Help celebrate Discovery of Meridell day this year by eating some of the kingdom’s most delicious food and drink items.

by gattacaa


10 Ways to Show Your Neopets How Much You Care
In an effort to remind everyone the importance of spending time with your neofamily, here are a few easy ways to show your pets how much you care for them.

by ahh_choo


Erin’s Extreme Avatar Guide: Destruct-O-Match III
Ever have one of those days where you feel like you just need to smash something? I’ve found that during a particularly difficult day, relief can be found in the form of Destruct-O-Match III. I mean, what’s more cathartic than making a bunch of boulders evaporate in a plume of smoke and dust?

by krazypinkgurl


Daniel from Merrida
I’m from Merrida, Meridell. I was born on the North of Meridell, far away from the Darigan Citadel but yet not too far to say I’m a Brightvale citizen: so you can tell our location favoured our village (my family and all the villages) during the wars. I think it is something I should be thankful for.

Also by grimlane

by alienigenosidad

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