White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 194,201,769 Issue: 747 | 2nd day of Gathering, Y18
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Lame Pun: Training School

by blackaavar

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Ink: Dark Contrast - Part 1
New to Ink or want a recap? Catch up at http://www.neopets.com/~Ronjono

by june_scarlet


The Spirit of Black Keep: Part Five
Pharazon opened his eyes to cold daylight. Above him stretched tangled, budding tree branches, and past them a cloudy sky. He had no idea what he was doing lying on a muddy forest floor. Where was he?

by cosmicfire918


KATIPO I: Restart: Part One
our hair fell and curled over your shoulders in perfect spirals, gold like a ghostly honey dripping from the seams of your lapel. That night had been going well up until that point, but your appointed mod was extremely late, and your patience was beginning to wane at an exponential rate.

by theschizophrenicpunk


Defender Scarlet Shadow in the Deathly Mission: Part Two
The coordinates led to a place around the middle of the Lost Desert, so the figure's story matched up so far. Now Sopherie just needed to go there and see if there was actually a tomb at those coordinates. Sopherie got some sleep in the afternoon and waited until it was after dark, then she dressed into her Defender uniform

by orisasda

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