A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 194,228,482 Issue: 750 | 23rd day of Gathering, Y18
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History 404: Training

by fourin

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Episode 2: Long-Gone Neopets
Why do I have to do this again?

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Beyond 750
A medieval darkness shrouded the fields of Meridell. In the cottage, two eyes blinked open, followed by two more. The twin heads of Pystry, a Mutant Hissi, blinked at one another, shaking off sleep. Pystry smiled. It was going to be a good day. Today marked the fruition of countless hours of training.

by peirigill


Browse, Haggle, Sold.
Somtimes you have to go in, get what you need, get out.

by ayeunn


Seven Spectacular Skeith Ensembles
My favorite Neopian pastime is customising. I love coming up with creative and different outfits that show off my Neopets' personalities. Therefore, in honor of Skeith Day, I set myself the task of transforming Skeiths into the spitting image of seven famous Skeiths. Do you want to help your Skeith celebrate in style?

by lakecitygirls111

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