A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 194,228,482 Issue: 750 | 23rd day of Gathering, Y18
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Ink: Dark Contrast - Part 4

by june_scarlet

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750 Days
Most people would say that it took the usurper Kass roughly two years to start and lose a war between the Darigan Citadel and Meridell. Lady Evelyn would be more exact; she would say it took her cousin 750 days to do so--750 slow days to observe a ruler slowly crackle until his realm collapsed.

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Karamita and the Lab Jazz: Part Three
Karamita tugged at the hem of her coat. It was somewhat foreign for her to wear a coat as the weather in Neopia Central was rarely extremely cold. She was a bit confused as to why Sue was dressed in her normal apparel of just a wig and an overcoat, but didn’t bother to ask why.

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KATIPO I: Restart: Part Four
The place you’re supposed to meet Rhi is far too loud and cramped for your tastes. It’s a seedy little joint in the middle of the Fairgrounds, small and suffocating between a gym and a Spooky Foods shop. It used to be a fabric store, if you remember correctly, and it seems to have shrunk since then. It smells like coconut milk outside — probably from the shy stand that’s not too far away, but, well... who really knows with this place...

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Royal Pain: Celebrating 750
750 is such a beautiful number.

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