teh 1337est n00zpaper |
Circulation: 194,653,695 |
Issue: 751 | 30th day of Gathering, Y18 |
Gormball Behind the Scenes by vanillafilth
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8 Obscure Trophies To Go For on Reset Day rophy hunting is one of my favorite things to do on Neopets. There have been many guides on some easy to get trophies, but I would like to share some tips and tricks to help you spruce up your profile with some lesser known, yet still fairly easy to get trophies that you might not know about. Let's begin!
by venom_creep |
Bored? Not ever, not me. But I have to point out all the other fun things that we have available to keep us entertained and involved in for years to come. Such things have been improved upon or created within these interesting 2 years. So here it goes.
by blackpugpuppy |