Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 194,403,598 Issue: 765 | 20th day of Sleeping, Y19
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The Downside of Games: Neoquest I vs II

by bittersweet52

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The Trials of Neopia's #1 Gamer: Part I
It's getting everywhere!

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Love & War
I was just busy sweeping up the kitchen of the castle...yes you heard me. Castle. And before I go any further, this isn't some princess castle where everyone lives happily ever after in. No. This is a creepy castle that resides deep within the Haunted Woods of Neopia. The Castle of Eliv Thade. Puzzle Master Extraordinaire.

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A Lenny Conundrum
It's quite the Lenny Conundrum

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Jajolie thinks there's an easy way to become stronger!

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