Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 194,568,431 Issue: 773 | 17th day of Running, Y19
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Trouble at the National Neopian

by xsugarush

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Great stories!


Home Is Where The Heart Beats Quick
The Haunted Woods is the kind of place you grow up hearing stories about. Elders pass down tales of ghosts and friends who never returned to wide eyed children who in turn butcher it a hundred different ways whispered among friends. When he was younger, it was ingrained in him that lying was the coward’s way out, but evidently that didn’t extend to adults who didn’t want you wandering off in the dark.

by hshtagcoffee


Happy Jhu...ops... Illusen Day
Special for you!

by janderson_lee


Be Careful What You Wish For...
Well that was too easy

Also by frankie8492

by theyellowrose


The Forgotten Hollow
The bundle of frilly lace and silk fell on her bed in a crumpled mess, but Qihirri ignored it, moving along to the dresser. Her petpet whined at her feet, pacing and twisting around her ankles as if he were a Kadoatie rather than the Doglefox he… once was.

by eevee0011

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