A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 194,445,060 Issue: 767 | 3rd day of Awakening, Y19
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Jhudora's cake!!

by arijuka

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I Wanna Be MSP
The story of my Poogle, Varicose, who almost gave up on his dream to be MSP until...

by lily_death


Why does this always happen?
Think before you speak and you might avoid an awkward situation!

by keruza


A Day At the Supermarket
Hmmm what have we here?

Also by o_babypet4me_o

by truebrony


A Beginners Guide to Restocking at Kayla’s Potions
So you’ve read through countless restocking guides and you understand the system, but you still do not know where to start. Some guides have told you to start at the Book Store, others tell you to try the pharmacy. Maybe you were even told to try Fresh Food and Toy Shop. While these are all decent options, I am an advocate for Kayla’s potions.

by hectic_haley

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