Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 194,489,154 Issue: 769 | 17th day of Awakening, Y19
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Chocolate Chia Problems

by my_bento_box

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Welcome to White River: Part Three
She breathed in slowly, steeling herself as she entered. She could feel the change in the air as she entered, as heads slowly began to turn and stare. She spotted Enid, wearing a kilt and a dark brown shirt, a long swath of tartan fabric draping down her shoulder across her chest. She smiled, and gave Portia a thumbs up.

by hzoo_26


Sloth and Juhdora's Valentine Disaster
Wow... That's a bit embarrassing!

by cool_zafara96


Shenkuu River Rush: Rush To The Trophy!
Shenkuu River Rush is one of the 3D games available in Neopia, it's an immersive journey down the wild rivers of Shenkuu. With this guide, you'll become one of the top river surfers in Shenkuu, hopefully earning yourself a shiny new trophy! With this guide, you'll become one of the top river surfers in Shenkuu, hopefully earning yourself a shiny new trophy!

by alyseth


Country Cousin
Reggie had just gotten there and he already wanted to go home. He hadn’t wanted to come to Meridell in the first place but Mother had insisted. So here the orange Gelert was.

by 77thbigby

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