Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 194,504,076 Issue: 770 | 24th day of Awakening, Y19
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Dreaming Of Springtime Fashion

by nah_nah


It seems like this Winter has been dragging on for months upon months, trapped in a frozen tundra comparable to an eternity spent in Terror Mountain. Everything covered in a constant blanket of white, powdery snow. Maybe that is a bit dramatic, but it has been VERY cold. We've all been bundled up in our jumpers and jackets, strapping on our boots just to walk to the mailbox, and it seems like it will never end. Alas! There is hope! Spring is just around the corner!! Colorful pastels, flowing sundresses, light cardigans in the evening, the smell of flowers blossoming up along the walkways, it's coming!!!

By this time, we're all anticipating the upcoming spring collections coming to the NC Mall. We're expecting an array of Negg-colored wigs, soft baby blue button downs, and floral patterns to die for. The winter collections have been worn out and we're ready to step into something new. In preparation of the upcoming warmer weather, let's take a look at the greatest Spring fashions from years past, designed by the greatest artists and fashionistas in the business!

Springabee Collection

The Springabee Collection is centered around a very rare petpetpet who is known to buzz around the freshly blooming flowers, extracting honey to feed her hive. This set released it's first piece in Y13, the Delightful Springabee Tree. The combination of it's exclusivity with the beauty of the collection make it a must-have.

The Bouncing Springabee Headband was available for one month in Y14. The headband reached such popularity, especially when paired with the tree, that the collection was continued later in Y14 with the release of the Springabee Tutu. The tutu is not as rare, it had a production run of about six months, so it should be one of the most easily obtained items in the collection.

Can't seem to find a trader with the headband? Consider the NP item Springabee Flower Wig. This is a beautiful alternative until you can get your paws on the other headpiece.

Spring Flowers

An essential part of Spring is the gorgeous flowers that sprout out of fresh soil in gardens around Neopia. One of the simplest ways to get wearables for this is through the Spring Flower Petal Mystery Capsule. This capsule was released in Y12 and holds some very rare, exclusive items. A personal favorite is the Flower Petal Umbrella, it's like carrying around a giant sunflower to protect you from the strong rays on the hot days, or keep you nice and dry during those infamous spring showers.

The Spring Flower Bodice which came to the NC Mall in Y13 features fresh picked flowers and a shape to show off your Neopet's figure. But something like that is best worn during the warmer days, so make sure you pick up the Spring Flower Rain Slicker to keep you dry during the storm.

And when you want to gift your best Neofriend anything this season, make sure to send it with the Spring Flowers Gift Box!


Ah, finally! You can take off your beanies and winter hats and let your hair flow free! Unless, of course, you're a Grarrl and don't have a single hair on the top of your head. No need to worry though, the designers have you covered with some unforgettable wigs!

Snatch up some flowers and stick them in a blonde wig and you have the Spring Flower Wig. Golden locks rolling down your back filled with purple and red roses, it's not to be missed. If you want to go for a different look, pick up a Spring Pirate Hat and Wig, especially if you plan on vacationing to Krawk Island. For a more classic, subdued look, go for a Baby Spring Wig. It has a toned down blonde color with a simple flower crown and simple curls, great for a day lounging in the park. And if you're looking to wow everyone and create some shock, maybe give off a more punk rock look, grab the NP item Flowery Multicolour Spring Wig. Electric stripes of blue, purple, and pink are surely to draw attention right to you.

Backgrounds and Foregrounds

For the full look, get some backgrounds bursting with flowers. The Gorgeous Spring Garden Background features a fountain and every flower you could imagine. For a more low-key look, the Cheery Spring Meadow Background will put your pet in the most beautiful park it's ever seen. You can spruce these looks up, or any others, by including the Multi-Coloured Spring Arbor which will give your pet a border of flowers and vines. And as a reminder of the dreary days spent inside playing video games, pick up the Rainy Spring Porch Foreground. Nothing like a cozy day spent on the couch with a hot cup of borovan while you watch the rain pour down on the green grass and leaf-filled trees.

For the moodier pet in your life, grab the Gothic Spring Picnic Background or let them mope out the window with the Dreary Spring Window Foreground.


Accessorizing is crucial! A great spot to start is with the Overstuffed Spring Snowbunny Handheld Plushie, it gives you the perfect touch of winter and spring for a flawless transition between seasons.

For the pet as desperate as I am for warmer weather, the Handheld Key to Spring item is essential. We all want to be able to unlock the sun and fun, the warm days and cool nights, and this is the way to do it!

Since Spring isn't quite here yet and the flowers are still covered in frost, you can live the fantasy with the Spring Flower Balloon Bouquet. The flowers will never wilt and don't need any sun to be bright! These can help you get through the last cold days of the season.

If you want to get your hands on any of these items before the weather turns and they become very in demand, I suggest heading to the NC Mall and picking up some gift box capsules to trade with on the NC NeoBoard! They are surely to be in demand soon, if you go now you may be able to catch a good deal and drive a hard bargain to get the price you want. Winter should be over soon, especially if that Symol saw his shadow, so get prepared early and stay ahead of the trend!!

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