Meow Circulation: 194,568,431 Issue: 773 | 17th day of Running, Y19
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Kad Feeding

by dirigibleplums

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Return to Lynwood: Part Four
A few of Isengrim’s thanes let out low growls at the Kougra, which Suhel cut short with a motion of her paw. Pharazon stared hard at the woman, his blue eyes narrowing. Although Lexora looked like she wanted to pass out, she finally said, “C-Caradoc?! I thought I’d never see you again! When you left for the Woods and never came back—we all assumed the worst!”

by cosmicfire918


Illusen Day Cake and Cupcake Recipes
Illusen has decided to share two of her top-secret recipes with the Neopian Times so that pets all over Neopia can celebrate Illusen Day with some delicious baked goods.

by biometeorologist


The Forgotten Hollow
The bundle of frilly lace and silk fell on her bed in a crumpled mess, but Qihirri ignored it, moving along to the dresser. Her petpet whined at her feet, pacing and twisting around her ankles as if he were a Kadoatie rather than the Doglefox he… once was.

by eevee0011


Shellshock'd! REBORN p2
A perfect world...

by krabbox

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