The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 194,568,431 Issue: 773 | 17th day of Running, Y19
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An Unexpected Guest (2)

by fleohr

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The Gainsboro Gang: Introducing RudyBop
Well this isn't good.

by kelijo


Volcano Running With Glubgar
In celebration of Scorchio Day, I've taken the time to sit down with one of the most famous of the species: Glubgar.

by auraphic


Blossoms ~ Secrets Pt.2
Sentries were found and picked from all around the world...

by twillieblossom


Soup Faerie Appreciation Day
They both owed much to faeries, which was why they were drawn to Faerieland. They wanted their future children raised in a place where such goodness was in evidence everywhere you looked. They knew they were making the right choice. Now, there was only one thing left to do. They went to say goodbye.

by 77thbigby

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