Meow Circulation: 194,568,431 Issue: 773 | 17th day of Running, Y19
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Faerie Quests

by tonyrichard

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A Guide On How To Look Like Illusen From Head To Toe
What better way to celebrate Illusen Day than by dressing up as Illusen herself, the most famous Earth faerie in Neopia.

by cutiepie4707


The Best and Worst Dressed Faeries in Neopia
Hello Neopia, it is Miss Prickles, the Fashionable Uni here for my weekly report. I have spent this week travelling high and low seeking out some of Neopia’s most beautiful creatures: Faeries.

by spukl1


Dr. Sloth's New Groove
Yeah, whatever. Dr. Sloth has never before felt so refreshed. Does he deserve it? We just don't know.

by littlegirlydude


At the End of the Day
This meeting is now called to order...

by ezel68

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