Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 194,595,202 Issue: 778 | 21st day of Eating, Y19
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by cyberfall

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Happy Easter - Free Neggs For All
Wait a minute...

by jmo7692


Return to Lynwood: Part Nine
Isengrim was not sure if the pup had taken to heart his companions’ promise to protect him, but it looked as though Connor at least found them better company than Vakhtang. Although the dark-furred Werelupe could hardly consider that a compliment. He was fairly certain a mutant Kiko with the Sneezles would be better company than Vakhtang.

by cosmicfire918


Trapped in Freaky Factory
Blobs. Small blobs, big blobs, ginormous blobs. Red blobs, blue blobs, yellow blobs. I imagine these are coloured as such to represent anger, sadness, and cowardice: All common feelings whilst trying to obtain the elusive Freaky Factory avatar.

Also by theyellowrose

by dissiechrissie


The Festival of Neggs is upon us...
...side effects may include the inability to stop making puns!

by tastyteaz

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