Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 194,677,420 Issue: 786 | 16th day of Relaxing, Y19
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What am I? #10 (The End)

by pets_rock_8

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Royal Pain
The reason why Meg is the active pet for this daily.

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Q&A: Team Darigan Citadel
This week’s Altador Cup exclusive will be presented directly to you, through our very own; Shen.

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Yooyuball Dreams: Part Three
The parade had only just started for the people standing at the beginning, and the team was the final group to go through, so it would be a while before they reached the two friends. Marcia was full of nerves as she clutched her shoulder bag with Xana the Yooyu inside of it.

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You Shouldn't Always Read...
Told you not to do it...

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