Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 194,623,805 Issue: 781 | 12th day of Hunting, Y19
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by doglover3662


Neopia is home to many, many fandoms. A fandom is when a group of people come together who share a common interest, something they are a fan of, and take it to the next level. They obsess over this thing together and it is the link between all of these different people. You'll be able to catch a glimpse of this world over on the Fan Clubs Neoboard and see just how extreme their passions are! Whether it's about a television show, a type of Petpet, or their favorite book, there is a place for everyone.

There is even a place for those who love food! And not just any food, but cinnamon!! I'm obsessed with cinnamon myself, and have ended up in the middle of some heated discussions about spices to put in your foods! You see, cinnamon is quite versatile. Many think of it as purely sweet, only to be used in desserts, but it can be used in many savory applications as well! One of my favorite savory ways to use it is in a nice fragrant curry with spinach and chickpeas. Yum yum!! But as much as I adore the savory, I do have a super sweet tooth and can hardly resist a sweet with cinnamon. To celebrate the sweet, sweet spice and also the cinnamon fandom, I've compiled a list of my absolute favorite cinnamon items for all your cinnaholics out there!

#10: Apple Cinnamon Slushie

Hot apple cider might be good in the winter, but this slushie is perfect for the summer!

With the weather changing and the sun starting to peek out in the northern hemisphere, this slushie is perfect for keeping cool on a hot day!! This is one of my favorite things to slurp on while sitting in the stands at the Altador Cup and cheering on my favorite team.

#9: Cinnamon Potpourri

Careful your guests dont try to eat this potpourri.

When you don't have time to bake up a fresh loaf of cinnamon bread this potpourri will give your house the same scent! It's a fragrant concoction of different spices that sit as the perfect backdrop behind the almost overwhelming smell of cinnamon. It's so good it'll make you hungry the second you walk into your house!

#8: Cinnamon Raisin Oatmeal

A great meal to start your day with.

A protein-packed bowl of hot oats with a sprinkle of cinnamon and a few juicy, plump raisins is really the best way to start the day. It tastes amazing but will also give you the energy to start chopping away at your to-do list. This breakfast will set you up for success. Consider mixing in a chopped ripe banana as well!

#7: Premium Collectible: Cinnamon Stick Candles Foreground

Embrace fall with a warm glow and delicious cinnamon scent! This NC item was given out as a Premium Collectible reward in Y18.

Glorious cinnamon scented candles will give your pet a noseful at every moment of the day. This foreground is pretty rare and takes a bit of trading around to find, but it's completely worth it. Why waste your time on essential oils that run out quickly when you can get the slow, seemingly eternal, burn of some of the best candles in Neopia? Spend some time on the NC Mall trading boards and snatch this up before it gets too rare!

#6: Cinnamon Bun Wings

Bet you have never had wings fresh from the oven before, have you?

These wings serve so many purposes aside from fashion. Sure, they look (and taste) great, but they are also always fresh baked! That means there will be a sweet cinnamon scent wafting around every time your pet flutters the wings. They also still hold a bit of the heat from the oven and will keep your Neopet nice and cozy year round (though maybe you'd prefer that in the winter...).

Honorable Mention: Zesty Cinnamon Roll

Yum! Are those cinnamon rolls I smell? This is a super food that will fill your Neopet up to a bloated state and make it happier! This was given out with the Stocking Stufftacular Y11!

This cinnamon roll gets to interrupt the top 10 list for an honorable mention. Although it is quite similar to a few other items on this list coming up, it has a few special powers. It completely fills your Neopet up AND boosts their mood! It is a fairly rare NC Mall item from a few years back, but it's animated nature and the way it jumps around gives it an honorable mention on our list!

#5: Cinnamon Apple Chips

Sliced apple pieces - sprinkled with cinnamon powder and baked to perfection.

A great, healthy snack for any Neopians on the go! These are crisped up and coated with a bit of cinnamon. The natural sweetness of the apple mixes amazingly with the cinnamon, but it contains no artificial sweeteners or colors, so it's a snack you can feel good about!

#4: Pumpkin Cinnamon Yurble Ear

Yurble ears never tasted so good! It is just dough and pumpkin, thank goodness.

YUM! Pumpkin is one of the most amazing things you can pair with cinnamon! Especially when it's rolled together in some super soft bun dough! As many people know, the Yurble has an ear that resembles a cinnamon roll, making it the perfect shape for something like this. The dough is rubbed with sugar and cinnamon and then rolled tightly into that Yurble ear shape. It bakes up perfectly and the center stays a little soft and gooey.

#3: Cinnamon Spice Scone

This scone is perfect with a nice cup of tea.

As the description states, this scone is delicious when dipped in your morning tea. A wonderful breakfast treat for your day off or a great thing to bring to a potluck brunch celebration with friends!

#2: Cinnamon Roll

This cinnamon filled roll is topped with lots of sticky frosting.

The classic! This is where most people's love on cinnamon begins. Similar to the Yurble ear, but topped with a super sweet, creamy, slightly tangy frosting. This is the ULTIMATE breakfast treat, just make sure you are prepared for the sugar crash!!

#1: Cinnamon Dough Bundles

Flaky pastry dough sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar, rolled and baked.

This is the best part of the cinnamon roll turned into it's own thing! It's the slightly doughy, chewy, sweet, sticky center that we all can't wait to get to. These dough bundles are carefully baked to preserve that deliciousness and softness throughout the whole bun. These are what dreams are made of!!

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