Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 194,738,244 Issue: 790 | 21st day of Swimming, Y19
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Lucky Day

by marisn0w

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Monster Club 1
Welcome to the Monster (food) Club. You can find some good stuff to eat here...maybe.

by partay_monster


Tails From: The Battledome
Preparing for war!

by winters_footsteps


Cleaning Out Your Gourmet Foods Gone Bad
Based off gross foods found while searching gourmets and possible child-like reactions to eating them!

by remidica


The Travels of a Would-Be Knight: The Beginning: Part Three
While lupes are much better at seeing in the dark than, say, a human, the jungle was still very dim for him, and he could hardly believe Scout could track anything in this darkness. "Are you sure you can see his tracks?"

by daniecelpines

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