Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 194,727,314 Issue: 789 | 14th day of Swimming, Y19
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Head in the Clouds: Wingoball...?

by yoshisislandbandit

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The Struggle of Long Term Goals
He decided to be cautious and get a peek from the roof instead of simply answering the door. Yes, this was what he was doing for kicks these days, he thought with a sigh.

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Nostalgia is blind...

by deboratibi


All 'Pets Have Feelings!
Why can't anyone see me!!

by aynathie


The Elusive Fish Negg
Sure, it is fun if you are not after the avatar (do these people exist?) but for those of us who are desperate to obtain that avatar, we must gain 1250+ points!

Also by applebella

by dissiechrissie

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