Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 194,727,314 Issue: 789 | 14th day of Swimming, Y19
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Neoquest 2 Puns

by happyinengland

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The Monster on the Mountain
The Mynci let out a soft groan as he collapsed in the snow. The last thing he heard before his consciousness went was the shuffling of huge feet.

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All 'Pets Have Feelings!
Why can't anyone see me!!

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After running into a few Neopets and earning some angry shouts, the two friends skidded to a stop as they stared at the monstrous line of people in front of them. The Mynci whistled. “You’ll never get a ticket with this huge line, Lysander.”

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Sakhmet Solitaire: A Pro's Guide
Here I’ll go through the rules, gameplay, and give you some helpful tips on how to become an expert so you can start earning some Neopoints!

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