Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 194,748,823 Issue: 791 | 28th day of Swimming, Y19
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An Alien Pun

by eenlee

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Priorities and Peophins
Happy Peophin Day!

by ellipses4k


Style Guide: Ruki Day
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this week's edition of Style Guide. This week, break out the streamers and cake, because July 29th is Ruki Day!

by ilovezacandhsm


Spot the Difference! Vol #4
Can your eyes spy the 10 differences in this new eyeball busting series?

by snwarren


The Marvelous Misadventures of Super Attack Pea - 2
Being thrown in the AC field as the ball doesn't feel so Super.

Also by _aragorn_

by joslucca3000

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