Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 194,803,020 Issue: 795 | 25th day of Hiding, Y19
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An Interview with Erick

by happyinengland

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Some Cures for the Back to School Blues
I've picked one or two items in each category that I believe will have your Neopets feeling too cool for school (okay, maybe not TOO cool).

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Shower Your Pets
What are showers you say? Why they're those cute little items that seem to fall from the sky upon your pet at a constant rate. Sounds adorable, right?

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There Goes That Man and His Kite!: Part Two
It wasn't just the colour that gave them their depth. They looked like ponds

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Being Green
I turn around and look at her through my glasses, trying to read her expression. Happy, I decide. She’s happy.

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