Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 194,763,780 Issue: 792 | 4th day of Hiding, Y19
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Summer PSA

by nikipinder

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The Impetuous Princess
She is now simply known as Lyndi, the desert draik. The young princess she once was is gone forever. She gave it all up to live a life of happiness and solitude.

by faeriemelly


What A Coincidence
I don't see it...

by jjensen688


Eyrie Eccentricities 4 - Solar Shield
The most economic solution improvising can offer.

by 360spinfish


Every Pet Deserves a Home
In the spirit of rooting for the underdog, I wanted to share some thoughts on why I love Neohomes along with a few practical tips for building and decorating one of your own.

by nobodys_kitten

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