Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 194,869,658 Issue: 803 | 27th day of Collecting, Y19
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Today I learned! Book 9

by syariesx

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Are You Listening?!
This is why you don't talk while you game.

by applejuicerain


Spooky Food Recipes
What better way to share the fun than with an article packed full of recipes to celebrate the scariest time of the year?

by happyinengland


History of Halloween
Halloween is based on tradition and lore, a long rich history of spooky fun, so what better way to kick off the festivities than reflect back on what made Neopia’s Halloween what it is today.

Also by minnesotan and readler

by suixx


Elixir - Part 2
Time to get up and try again!

by hamster_z

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