Things That NeoQuest 2 Characters Would NEVER Say by moonlight717
NEOQUEST II - Yes, NeoQuest 2, the greatest and newest official RPG in Neopian!
I had always loved “The Things That Neopian Characters Would NEVER Say” series
of plushieowner. So I asked for her permission to let me try to write that “Things
that NeoQuest 2 Characters Would NEVER Say”.
(To plushieowner : Thank you so much for letting me try it, and please don’t
be angry with me if I failed you :P)
Rohane's mother: Go Away! When you left home, you left! Don’t come back for
free rest!
Marvis: Actually, I am the one who had stolen the armour of Rohone’s father
Rohane: There is no justice in this world...
Mipsy: I really love my shoes!
Talinia: Back in my day, monsters were ten times weaker!
The Miner Foreman: Welcome! We had not seen a living one for so long!
Zombom: Everything I do, I do it for Adelan…
Mipsy: (Looking at Rohane) Me?? You want me to join you? No way! I don't want
to leave my home, and I hate a life of adventure!
Undead merchant (Lost City of Phorofor): Why should I care about the gold and
healing potions? I am already died! Take as much healing potions as you want!
They are absolutely free!
Ramtor: When we next meet, we can have a couples of tea! King Skarl? Forget
that fat old King! He did nothing except eating, sleeping and listening to silly
Thaddeus (Chia Oscuro): Yusie fdghisds sdfjldfss qowrr clkxaa! Dkcixsna dlkaow
siqndsk?Kjedndjo sjow, siojvnqejks! (The party had absolutely no idea for what
he is saying!)
Leximp: I don't want the wordstone! Please feel free to take it if you want
to. Also, please teach those poor chias to read if you have time. Thank you.
Talinia: (Looking at Rohane) No, I don’t know who you are. Captain Rohane?
What Captain? You think we are on a spaceship? You must be mad!
Niacha: I’ll never play hide-and-seek with Koli again!
Kolvars: For crying out loud! I am not a crab, I am a Spyder!
Snowager: I am not blocked in by an avalanche! I caged myself so that no one
can steal from me again while I am sleeping! It’s just so good that I finally
can get some sleep…zzzzzz……
Scuzzy: I love the Snowager! I am not going to let you to take it away from
Phebiya (Sakhmet Palace): The royal library is too big! I just couldn't find
the books and scrolls that I wanted!
Chimukh: I don’t sell sand any more. Now I sell dung!
Gebarn II: You must reunite the Medallion! This is my last wish…
Velm: I don’t want to be a cleric any more! I love spell casting! Please don't
make me go back to that old and odd spaceship!
Lifra: *crying* I am so scared! I really can't take care of myself! Thank you
for rescuing me! The Revenant is so horrible!
Lifra: I don't want to be the “Library Fast Retrieval Archive” any more! I
love my new life here with my lovely family! *hug her little sister Amote*
Coltzan's ghost: Good! Now that I am with life again, I want revenge! Princess
Sankara must pay for poisoning me!
Princess Vyassa (after the party defended Coltzan): Murderers!!! How can you
kill my dearest father again? *crying* Guards! Throw them into the jail!
Count von Roo: Yes! I cast a spell to make the sun stay up! I just love sunny
days! And I'll tell you a secret that Spider Grundo, Balthazar, and Hubrid Nox
are actually very good friends!
The Faeries: It's so odd for that Balthazar to be so nice to us! We would rather
have the old Balthazar that catches us into the bottle.
The Brain Tree: *sobbing* No, I don't know what happened…I am no longer the
smartest of all trees!
Augur Faunt: Please save me! Brain Tree keep me prisoner in this place! If
you defeat the Brain Tree, I’ll give you my whole stock!
Balthazar: I wanted to be a good Lupe! Why didn't you give me a chance? Why
turn me back into a villain again?
Hubrid Nox: Mwa ha ha ha! MWA HA HA HA HA!! I built the 9 level tower just
to torture everyone who enter my fortress!
The Esophagor: Iiiiiiiii wwiiillll lleeettttt yyyooouuuuu ppaaasssssss iiifffffffff
yyyyoooouuuuuuu feeed mmeee!!!! Annnndddd Iiiii’llllll tteeellllll yyyooouuuu
wwhhheeennnn Lllleeeeeennnnnnnyyy SSkkeeeiitthh ddiiieedd iiff yyoouu fiinndd
meee myy fooodd!!!!
Vilaria: Not all dark faeries are evil! Don’t judge me just because I am a
dark faerie!
Fallen Angel: Why am I a fallen angel? I don’t know there were angels in this
world! Shouldn’t I be a fallen faerie?
Devilpuss: I turned evil because my owner abandoned me!!! You Neopets don’t
care about us petpets at all!
The Faerie Thief: So I am just a good faerie that was being controlled by King
Terask? Then why you heroes killed me instead of saving me?
Pant Devil: In all my life, I had stolen from people. Now, everyone wants to
steal the half of a silver key from me…
Rohane: Jeran’s armour? Why is it here? Is this game NeoQuest 2 or Battle for
Meridell? Beside, the size doesn’t fit me at all!
King Terask: I conquered Faerieland because Fyora said she will marry me when
Faerieland fall...*look at Queen Fyora with love* my lovely little queen…
Queen Fyora: *burst into tears* You had killed Terask? My beloved Terask? *look
at the part with hate* Prepare to die! (The final and most horrible enemy-----
Queen Fyora!!!!)
The Mysterious One dressed in Green: Captain Rohane, I'm your REAL father!
Amote (Yes, the baby Cybunny!): Actually, I am the one behind all these! I
did it because I want my dear big sister stay here forever! *hug Lifra*
Author’s Note:
If you are reading this, it means my first article really got published!@_@!
Please don’t feel shy to Neomail me any comments that you may have regarding
this article. I really love to get feedback from readers. ?
Thanks plushieowner for giving me the permission and idea to write this
article again.