There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 194,905,106 Issue: 805 | 10th day of Storing, Y19
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Doom & Misery

by voiceprint

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Just A Normal Day In Neovia
It was a normal depressing morning in Neovia. Grey clouds that threatened rain hung low in the sky as Shopkeepers were unlocking their doors and greeting each other as they started their days in the foggy streets of Neovia.

by pokemon4ever45


BD Nuances: Freezing, Full-blocking, and Disables
Whether you’re going for Battledome avatars or just farming your daily loot, you’ve undoubtedly used one of these three mechanics.

by dfgh5067


The Overly Ambitious Kacheek IV
Misadventures of one very ambitious chocolate Kacheek!

by meghaanlee


Skipping School:Part Four
Cages. Hundreds of cages. And each held a separate Neopet, either knocked out, coughing, in pain, or in some way immobilized. It was heartbreaking to witness.

by invalid

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