Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 194,905,106 Issue: 805 | 10th day of Storing, Y19
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So that's why...

by music_cake9

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The League of Adventurers
But ancient Neopia is something else entirely. At any rate, it’s nice to just pretend to adventure sometimes.

by cosmicfire918


Faeries Blessing For Your Week
I’m just happy and I want to share it with everyone. I think that some kind words will make everyone have a better week.

by naama_mikeas


Ballindalloch: Part Three
Her bedroom still had pieces of flowered yellow wallpaper clinging to it, and as far as Avery was concerned, this was as good a reason as any to assume that her room was the last to have been worked on before the family had left.

by dewdropzz


Add's Shenanigans
No Petpets were harmed during this battle.

by dtrg

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