Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 194,939,286 Issue: 808 | 8th day of Celebrating, Y19
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Where's my Wraith Ectoplasm?

by naama_mikeas

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Pterible Puns
Sooo Ogrinal!

by voiceprint


Your Guide To Holiday Brucicles
No holiday party is complete without a giant spread of incredible savory pies, hot cups of Borovan, and a tray of sweet cookies and pastries. But it is crucial that we don’t forget one of the most amazing sweets to come out of Terror Mountain: Brucicles!

by randmar


Every time...
Also by imcatcrazy11 and hawkydreamerz

by beanlein


Holiday Ideas
Need some holiday ideas? Well you've come to the right place!

Also by rurirawr

by annnoel

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