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Neopoint Wearables Thru the Seasons: Valentine's Day

by freeread


      Ahhh, do you not love that smell in the air? Oh no, I am not talking about the dung you just stepped in. I am talking about that scent of LOVE. It is that time of year again where everyone is out buying chocolate and flowers for their loved ones. While you may be busy picking up some roses, do not forget to update your attire! Love may be blind, but your Valentine probably isn’t, and you want to look your best. We went to every corner of Neopia to find the best Valentine’s Day themed Neopoint wearables. This guide has been created to assist you in hopes of making your Valentine’s Day customization a lot easier!


      Heart Shaped Sunglasses

      If you somehow do not already have this wardrobe staple, get up and go purchase a pair for this Valentine’s Day season. Perfect for all year round, you will not regret adding these to your shopping cart. And how could you? At 45 Neopoints, I am sure you can handle the "splurge." Throw on these shades for the perfect final touch to your Valentine’s Day outfit.


      Broken Heart Trinket

      While some people are being spoiled with trucks full of chocolates and roses, some just are...not. For those, it is not Valentine’s Day. It’s simply Single’s Awareness Day. A day to remind them that they are still ALONE. Does this all remind you of a pet of yours? Maybe you should remember them on this holiday and get them a Broken Heart Trinket. Knowing that you thought of them on Single’s Awareness Day will warm up their heart, and for only 750 Neopoints!


      Missed Cupid Arrows

      Whether you just want to dress up for Valentine’s Day or you are Cupid himself, Missed Cupid Arrows is a one-of-a-kind foreground that is the best option. Valentine’s Day is a day to add some pink to your customizations. For a mere 1,800 Neopoints, you are surrounded by these simply adorable arrows. What more can you really ask for?


      Red Lace Necklace

      Popular amongst Aishas, Blumaroos and, of course Bruces, the Red Lace Necklace has started to grow a following as a closet staple around Valentine’s Day for all Neopian species. This necklace is the accessory every outfit will benefit from. With a 2,400 Neopoint price tag, you cannot pass up adding this to your closet this February! The price is truly a steal.


      Candy Bouquet

      Who gave you that Candy Bouquet? You have a SECRET VALENTINE?!? Everyone loves gifts. Do not be the loser that skips gifting your sweetheart. Purchase a Candy Bouquet for 3,000 Neopoints and you can be 100% positive all of their friends will be outrageously jealous. Every purchase of a Candy Bouquet comes with a free vase! Now we both know you will be a complete fool if you miss the opportunity to gift one of these.


      Romantic Sunrise Background

      Is anything actually better than spending Valentine’s Day on a beach at Mystery Island? The answer is obviously no! Buy you and your beloved each a ticket this year for only 3,400 a piece with the Romantic Sunrise Background. Soak up some rays, swim in the ocean and do not forget to make a visit to the Tombola Man! Your love is basically guaranteed to grow stronger with every day spent in the paradise that is Mystery Island.


      Candy Heart Necklace

      No one can have too much candy on Valentine’s Day. Who would say no to sugar? The Candy Heart Necklace is just the antidote for absolutely anyone with a sugar tooth. Perfect for any age, the Candy Heart Necklace can be purchased for a mere 3,400 Neopoints.


      Cute Pink Wig

      Do you need absolutely, without a doubt, COMPLETELY NEED EVERYTHING to be pink? Pink from head to toe? I am positive you did not make sure your shoes match your top which match glasses which match...well...you get it. Well it just so happens that you are in luck! The Cute Pink Wig is absolutely the cutest one on the market. For only 3,800 Neopoints, your precious pink outfit will have the final touch this Valentine’s Day.


      Valentines Day Tree

      If you need just a touch of love in your foreground, the Valentines Day Tree is here to save the day! At only 3,900 Neopoints, you would be making a catastrophic mistake if you decide not to slap one of these on a pet customization for Valentine’s Day this year.


      Bench With Flowers

      One of the best background items around is the Bench With Flowers. Naturally it had to be included in this guide. The aroma of the flowers is better than any love potion around! For 4,000 Neopoints, throw this lovely bench in to capture anyone’s heart.


      Sick-of-Hearts Pinata

      If you are preparing for another Single’s Awareness Day, please take note of the Sick-of-Hearts Pinata. I cannot think of much that would sound better than bashing a heart into smithereens until chocolate falls out. YUM! Throw a few in your cart this year if you know a few friends who would also appreciate the pinata. For only 4,000 Neopoints, you can afford to splurge for a few.


      Beautiful Columns Foreground

      Under a budget? The Beautiful Columns Foreground are about 4,100 Neopoints and are sure to please any love-stricken eye. Frame your customization with these columns and guarantee that all eyes will be on you this Valentine’s Day.


      Perfect Gazebo Background

      The second I saw this background, I knew I needed it and purchased one straight away! It is just TOO CUTE! Gazebos are the epitome of romance. Covered in decorations, you will be surrounded by Valentine’s Day spirit on this special day. For 4,300 Neopoints, there is no better background around for this Valentine’s Day!


      Hanging Hearts Tree Garland

      Sometimes you need a cheap higher foreground item to slap on a customization! Hanging Hearts Tree Garland is only 8,200 Neopoints and makes a great Valentine’s Day option. One of the newest items on the list, Hanging Hearts Tree Garland is the fresh addition all of our closets need.


      Valentines Earrings

      If you need a little sparkle on Valentine’s Day, you must go with Valentine Earrings. Pink heart gems and gold? Count me in! No matter what else you decide to wear, all of your friends will be envious of your festive embellishment. For 9,300 Neopoints, you will have that perfect accessory you are looking for. If you are looking for a gift, look no further than these showstoppers.


      Polka Dotted Pink Background

      Another classic that absolutely needed to be included in this guide is the Polka Dotted Pink Background. If you are willing to spend the 34,000 Neopoints it has been priced at recently, you absolutely will not regret your choice! White polka dots cover a pink backdrop! How adorable! Throw this on to make any Valentine’s Day outfit truly pop!


      Loving Kadoatie

      If you are single again this Valentine’s Day, you might possibly need to find a friend. This is where the Loving Kadoatie comes in! For 35,000, your very own Kadoatie will follow you around wherever you go. Try to remember to bring an extra pair of earplugs to avoid all that incessant whining!


      Dreamy Pink Hearts Background

      This item is described as "quite dreamy" and, let me tell you, it does not disappoint one bit! For 48,000 Neopoints, the Dreamy Pink Hearts Background is a classic background for Valentine’s Day. Absolutely stunning with Missed Cupid Arrows for Cupid customizations!


      Plushie Neopet String Lights

      Hosting a party at your home this holiday? You will absolutely need lights and you cannot go wrong with the Plushie Neopet String Lights. Plushie Neopets and Hearts will light up any room and add a festive glow. At 99,000 Neopoints, if you act quick, you still might be able to find a set of these on the Shop Wizard! Good luck! These will definitely be popular this year.


      Little Hearts Dress

      "Off with their heads!" If you have a theme in mind for your Valentine’s Day ensemble, the Little Hearts Dress is for you! Hearts, spades, diamonds, and hearts line the bottom of this dress for a simple but striking Valentine’s Day touch. Pair it with a lovely cardigan or without! There is no way you can do wrong with this one. For 180,000 Neopoints, you are practically guaranteeing yourself a great holiday.


      Flowing Rose Dress

      GAAAASP!!! IS THERE ANYTHING MORE PRECIOUS?!? If you are looking for sheer beauty this Valentine’s Day, here it is! The Flowing Rose Dress is the glamour you need in your life! The applique work on this dress is breathtakingly gorgeous. While you will have to spend about 250,000 Neopoints for the Flowing Rose Dress, every Neopoint is completely worth it!


      Valentine Fyora

      If you have a load of Neopoints weighing you down, you might want to consider purchasing a Valentine Fyora for your customization this year. At a whopping three million Neopoints, everyone you pass will be ooh-ing and ahh-ing while you walk past them. Who knows? Maybe Fyora herself will see you and your homage to her! Wouldn’t that just be a Valentine’s Day miracle?


      Acara Valentine Mirror

      When Valentine’s Day is your favorite time of the year, you need to be positive that you are looking your finest. Check out the first Rare Item Code Prize in the guide: the Acara Valentine Mirror! If you are a Valentine’s Day fanatic, you probably own everything that has been talked about so far. However, this rare item is going to set you back around 2-3 million Neopoints. Oh my! Better start applying for jobs in Faerieland!


      Heart Flag Garland

      If you are looking for a mighty adventure, searching for this last item might be the kind of trip you are looking for! Released in 2008 as a Rare Item Code prize, the Heart Flag Garland is the garland everyone wants to get their hands on. There have been some that pop up on the Trading Post but do you have the spare Neopoints to grab one?


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