Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 195,057,485 Issue: 817 | 2nd day of Running, Y20
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Blumaroo's Joke

by neschulz

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Recovering From Boochi
After an encounter with Boochi, one of my pets undergoes a transformation. But his buddies forgot a detail... Wearables

by tangamandapiano


Random Oddness - Wraith Resurgence #5
Pets that are painted wraith should probably sit this one out.

by mistyqee


Morphing Potions - Are they Worth It?
There are several hundred Morphing Potions available out there to change your pet! You may be looking for a new colour, a different species, or a combination of both! You may even consider collecting Morphing Potions; bottles for Morphing Potions can be very pretty or impressive, perfect for showing off in your gallery.

by myjudem


The Whispering Wail Sword:Part Four
Deep in the old castles of Meridell, Mina and Talzadon stood by the armor-filled well, despondent. Mina had stopped breathing fire while they contemplated their options in the darkness. “I’ve got an idea,” she said almost solemnly, “but it’s up to you to make it work.”


by purplehopper

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