Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 195,074,773 Issue: 819 | 16th day of Running, Y20
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NeoPaper: Celebration Collab Celebration

by mbredboy31

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Bad Birthday Bites
Is your pet’s birthday just around the corner or perhaps in half a year? Either way, are you unsure of what to get for him/her when the time comes? Well, let me tell you that cake is a must on such a festive date!

by rurirawr


Over the flurry of green and cracked earth, a sliver of the deepest orange crept up over the chasm of Faerieland. It set the sky ablaze with oranges and pinks, and the glimmer of stars fell away. Darkened clouds absorbed the tint, now drifting without purpose. The light enveloped every angle of the stony slopes and enhanced the darkened valleys crevices.

by erroro


Trouble in Paradise: Party
But it wouldn't be an NT party without my characters. D:

by chasing_stars44


A Reunion in Meridell:Part Three
“Home sweet home!” Illusen laughed as she threw open the door to her treehouse.

by rocksysmom

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