Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 195,106,233 Issue: 822 | 6th day of Eating, Y20
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Top 10 Food Avatars for the Hungry Neopian

by kingfisherblue33


     As we welcome in the Month of Eating, what better way to celebrate than by changing your avatar so that your Neofriends and people on the Neoboards will know your love for all things edible? Here we rank ten of the best avatars that will put you in the mood to eat any and all of the best food in sight!

      10. Pink!


     Who doesn’t like to sit back and relax with a good movie and excellent company, sharing a huge bowl of freshly popped popcorn with your pet? While Pink Spooky Popcorn may seem a strange concept at first, it’s easy to make and only requires adding a few drops of red food colouring to your regular popcorn glaze recipe. Pink popcorn is the perfect snack for a late night cheesy horror film, and this avatar will show everyone you meet that you aren’t afraid to try innovative new twists on classic dishes! If you want to go a step further, sprinkle some chocolate chips over your warm popcorn for extra sweetness!

      9. Piñatas & Candy!


     Piñatas are an exciting, colourful decoration, and they are great fun at parties! This avatar shows off your love of candy, or maybe just your love of bashing things with large wooden bats! They’re also the perfect excuse to take your anger out on a cardboard version of your enemies – it’s therapeutic, especially when you’re rewarded with lots and lots of sweets! Has Balthazar been causing problems for the faeries, so they don’t have time to give you quests? Have you been forced to “donate” your hard-earned Neopoints to support Dr. Sloth’s next invasion? Maybe the Pant Devil just stole that paintbrush you had been saving for months to paint your pet with? A piñata for each of them is available for you to take your anger out on!

      8. Gadgadsbogen!


     The excitement of the Gadgadsbogen festival may have been a month ago, but all the newly grown fruits are here to stay! By displaying this avatar, you are showing your love for Mystery Island’s annual gastronomic tradition – you are probably the first in line every morning to restock at the Tropical Food shop, and you’re probably one of those people who’s always playing Gadgadsgame in their free time, dreaming about those giant fruits that you won’t get to see until next year’s festival!

      7. Chokato


     Continuing the theme of Mystery Island foods, the Chokato is something special. Although the food is something of an acquired taste, tasting like a cross between chocolate and tomato, it is extremely popular, with almost 100 different dishes and sweets made from it! As the item required to obtain the avatar is quite expensive, and is often lent by generous Neopians to those who need it, displaying this avatar both lets you show your love for this unusual flavour, and lets you subtly show off your trustworthy account.

      6. Snowmuncher


     While most of us probably don’t share the same passion for eating snow as Dieter, it’s difficult to deny that ice (snow’s close relative) is delicious, especially when plenty of sugar is added and it is moulded into an ice lolly! Achieving the 5000+ point score in the Snowmuncher game to gain this avatar, while certainly achievable, is no mean feat, and shows that you are getting serious about avatar collecting.

      5. Toasty


     Ahh, bread. Who knew this starchy goodness could be so versatile? Toast is just one of the many things you can do with it, and the list of options to add on top is endless! If you’re looking to start your morning out right, why not pair it with some scrambled egg or grilled Chokato, or even a simple and easy (and classic) beans on toast? Or if you’re in a rush, even just melting some butter into your toast makes for a delicious, comforting snack.

      4. Chocolate!


     I make no secret of my love for chocolate – dark, milk, white chocolate, I love it all – but if you feel that even after shouting it from the rooftops people still haven’t quite got the message, this may be the avatar for you! With every conversation you have on the Neoboards, whether you’re trying to trade for your dream pet, advertise your beauty contest entry, or maybe even get advice on how to get another rare avatar, you will be proving that you managed to snag a rare chocolate snack from the chocolate factory and that you reached the pinnacle of chocolate appreciation!

      3. Ice Cream Machine


     Ice cream (with lots of sauce) is the perfect treat for a hot summer’s day, and just about any other time of the year as well! Displaying this avatar will show the world that eating ice cream is the best thing you can be doing. This avatar is a challenging achievement, requiring you to send a score of over 14,500 points, and so displaying this avatar shows not just your commitment to food, but to flash game avatars in general.

      2. mmm, custard!


     There’s something about custard that just screams “tasty!”, and when you feed your pet an item with the word “custard” in it, that’s exactly what your pet will say! There are so many custardy options, there’s no way you’ll be able to stop with just one custard treat – there’s crème caramel, crème brûlée, custard tarts and so much more! If you decide to go down the trifle route in your quest for custard, the bakery in Neopia Central will be happy to assist you – they have seven different flavours for you to try! If you have been lucky enough to zap a custard pet, this avatar will also perfectly match your active pet’s new colour.

      1. Bon Appétit


     This beautiful avatar shows that not only have you have dined in Neopia’s most exclusive restaurant, but that you even got to take some home with you to eat later! By displaying this avatar, anyone who sees it will know that you have a refined taste for food, and will be impressed by the effort you committed to accomplishing this difficult achievement!

     And there we have it: the top 10 avatars to show off your love of food! If you are looking to take this a step further, why not make a matching font to prove your love of all things delicious?


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