Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 195,138,216 Issue: 825 | 27th day of Eating, Y20
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Life of restocker

by doug_henrique

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Great stories!


Rasputin's Revenge
A magical cloud swallowed the famous land of Altador in a thick blanket of darkness. The land of sunny skies and bright futures was now drained of all signs of life. Nera felt helpless, her people were in danger and nothing she could do would help. She failed them, they counted on her in the beginning and trusted her.

by trishabeakens


The Shadow of Takeryuu:Part Two
The first couple of days of Eunji's journey were peaceful. These mountains were covered in thick, ancient woodland, very sparsely populated save for the occasional temple, but she was not headed close to any of them. She was aiming for the farmlands to the west—and to the Imperial City, if need be. If that was where darkness festered, that was where she would probably find her answers.

by cosmicfire918


Taking Flight
When this story took place, before customizable pets, wings were procured only by the rare acquisition of a paint brush.

by meridaquan


Invisible Pet Woes
Our invisible pets have a hard time in the spotlight.. literally.

by dark_lady_gray

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