Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 195,181,382 Issue: 829 | 1st day of Relaxing, Y20
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Neopets Fact and Fiction: Snowager Reality

by andypopo

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Edna the Avatar Thief (Part 1)
Edna the witch is probably one of the more written about villains in the Neopian Times. Villain you might say? Well villain she is indeed! Not even Dr. Sloth himself would have the nerve to ask for 20,000 Neopoints of items per quest and not give a pesky avatar out! Edna has no such limitations.

by m0nster_rancher


Return to Neo
This shouldn't take long...

by cami_v27


How Though?
Was that really necessary?

by _blues_


Zombie Neopets: An Anatomical Debate
They say you only have one chance at life, but that’s not always the case. Those who are lucky- or depending on your view, unlucky- enough to be raised from the grave have come to be known as zombie pets. Be it from potions, paint brush or lab experiment gone wrong, these shambling friends can provide some unique and interesting insight on the life cycle of a Neopet, and how death is sometimes merely a road bump along our journeys.

by waaurufu

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