The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 195,197,181 Issue: 830 | 8th day of Relaxing, Y20
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A Day in the Kadoatery

by voiceprint

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Baelia doesn't like parties...
But don't you wanna join?

Also by neoschulz

by sthephanie


Happy Birthday

by doug_henrique


An Officially Unofficial Yooyu
I'm just your everyday, nondescript petpet. My color is plain, the color that I was born with. I am not painted a special color and I'm okay with that. I enjoy all the same activities as any other petpet: taking walks in the park with the other petpets, being fed only the highest grade petpet food available, and being pampered with toys, grooming items, and a nice cushy bed to curl up in at the end of the day. A comfortable and relaxed life definitely the life for me. That is all I want and all I will accept.

Oh. You've noticed, haven't you?

I am a Yooyu.

by lissiekat10


Yooyuball Fail
Secret Weapon to the rescue!

by andypopo

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