Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 195,197,181 Issue: 830 | 8th day of Relaxing, Y20
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by doug_henrique

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A Study in 10HP Movesets
I know this one's not about HP Increase, but don't think I've forgotten about it. I still pine for my lost mechanic.

by dfgh5067


Hope For New:Part Two
Late at night, thunder crashed around outside the little bars of my cage. The pound wasn’t a nice place, let me tell you. Dr. Shtalker would make his rounds every day, collecting the pets who had been there for the longest, and taking them to his lab, cackling with joy, and every day I hoped I wouldn’t be one of those pets who never returned.

by hazelsmartotop


The Paintbrush Conspiracy
Welcome, dear reader. Speaking here is Dr. Rosalie Thompson, journalist and registered physician. In the last few months, I excavated the Neovian Printing Press and unveiled a conspiracy that might redefine all Neopians’ conception of reality. Follow me on this journey of enlightenment.

by liquidmantle


What is Sloth up to?

Also by ruben160

by teca_alvarenga

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