A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! |
Circulation: 195,197,181 |
Issue: 831 | 15th day of Relaxing, Y20 |
Collectors Have It Rough! by preksolanx
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A Letter to the Freaky Factory Thief Dear Purple Grundo Sir,Hello. I am a worker at what me and my coworkers have come to call the “Freaky Factory”, one of Krelufun’s toy factories. I have seen you there, on my shift, stealing toys from the line after I have just made them. I won’t ask you why you do such things, I only ask that you stop.
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8 Meridell Themed Wearables for the Altador Cup Once a year, since the rediscover of Altador, we are pleased with Neopia’s greatest event: the Altador Cup! That said, it has become a tradition for a lot of Neopians to support their teams by customising their beloved Neopets with official clothing, trinkets and backgrounds made specifically for the event, such as team jerseys, flags, banners, make ups and many others. These items do a very good job when it comes to proudly baring your team’s logo and color schemes.
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