Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 195,197,181 Issue: 831 | 15th day of Relaxing, Y20
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Bad Joke Hissi (Part Two)

by dukula

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Come Cook With Us: Altador Edition
For this week’s edition of Come Cook With Us, we’ve decided to take you to the heart of Altador and its culinary roots. With the Altador Cup is coming up very soon, we want to make sure that you know everything you need to know about how to prepare the best of Altador’s favourite dishes. Serve any one of these meals and no one will care if their team wins or loses the cup, they’ll be too distracted by your delicious cooking instead!

in collaboration with lauren92_k

by mel_liew_ming_li


Snaw's Guide to Acting Like a Major Boss NT Star!
I have compiled a list of the most essential qualities of anybody who has ever been accepted into the Neopian Times! Whether it’s one hundred entries or just a single measly one, having the right persona can make any of you wannabe losers into an NT Star worth noticing!

by downrightdude


8 Meridell Themed Wearables for the Altador Cup
Once a year, since the rediscover of Altador, we are pleased with Neopia’s greatest event: the Altador Cup! That said, it has become a tradition for a lot of Neopians to support their teams by customising their beloved Neopets with official clothing, trinkets and backgrounds made specifically for the event, such as team jerseys, flags, banners, make ups and many others. These items do a very good job when it comes to proudly baring your team’s logo and color schemes.

by rafa_potter


Random Oddness
Full steam ahead!

by mistyqee

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