Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 195,233,500 Issue: 834 | 13th day of Swimming, Y20
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Neopian Wishes: (U)UC...?

by glittery4u

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Scary Tree comics #2
Introducing SLIM & CHUNK! Poor Chunk...

by kaddisti


She adopted another Neopet
...and he doesn't play nice!

by xorag


King Altador's Substitute
Queen Nera glanced up often from her painstaking work to watch King Altador and their teenage son, Alarick, play a competitive game of yooyuball. The sport was a popular pastime in the great land of Altador. The game of passing a yooyu around and trying to make it in the other team’s goal excited any Altadorian. Even the king himself grew fond of the game.

by trishabeakens


Slushie Slinger Tips
Do you feel like you are useless at the game or do you want to score more so that you can make your team more likely to win the cup? Maybe these tips will help. But if they do not help, then thank you for reading this anyway and remember that practice makes perfect.

by thedancing

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