Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 195,283,450 Issue: 837 | 17th day of Hiding, Y20
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Wish Upon A Doughnutfruit

by liezelotte8

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Trouble in Paradise: Wraiths
The benefits definitely outweigh the consequences here.

by chasing_stars44


~The Den of Malediction~
Tivlia the Maraquan Blumaroo had always been a tenacious treasure hunter. While growing up in Maraqua, she quickly learned to search for valuable commodities. Many times, she had made astounding sums of Neopoints from the prizes she had found. She hoped that her upcoming hunt would be no exception.

by _brainchild_


Petpets can't actually curse their owners... Right...?

by bobtehcat1


They Did Not Speak
Art thou casting thine Spell properly?

by skutterbotched

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