White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 195,327,629 Issue: 841 | 28th day of Gathering, Y20
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Guess the Character 7

by dtrg

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The Flood that Brought Trouble:Part Four
Spike, Yan, Kon, Keen, Lazir, Ursula, and Julian all looked over to see where Kimmy was pointing and could see movement in the water as a pair of bone horns broke the water tension. “Kon, push us away now!” Julian shouted.

by hannahcreep


The Rusty Ghoul Catchers
Dawn was just breaking over the glorious kingdom of Altador. The bright sun shone through the glass window, letting in hazy streams of light.

by thederelkarak


Neopets Quiz: Month of Gathering Edition
Also by eyewan2fly

by hollywoodshowbox


The Quiggle’s Quest
Quarkley the Quiggle was no cheat. Sure he liked to play Cheat, and of course he sometimes lied about which cards he was playing. That was the nature of the game, wasn’t it?

by quigglebaby

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