For an easier life Circulation: 195,327,629 Issue: 841 | 28th day of Gathering, Y20
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Neopets Quiz: Month of Gathering Edition

by hollywoodshowbox



     Neopets Quiz: Month of Gathering Edition

          Have you ever wondered which Neopet you are most like? Well, never fear Neopian. Take the quiz below - featuring pets whose special day falls in the Month of Gathering - to find out which Neopet you most relate to. And maybe if he or she isn't already a part of your family, you can swing by the Pound to adopt your new friend!

          Where are you most likely to vacation?

     A. Vacation? How about a stay-cation? I'll stay right at home, thank you very much.

     B. Somewhere with lots of adventure and action!

     C. I want to travel somewhere truly magical - Faerieland is the place for me!

     D. Meridell, if you please.

     What's your favorite activity?

     A. Sleeping. Eating. Mostly eating, unless I'm sleeping.

     B. Extreme sports! Give me sky diving, bungee jumping, parasailing. Anything to get that adrenaline rush!

     C. Oh, I like playing with my plushie collection, or shopping, or playing in the snow!

     D. I prefer to read quietly. There's this amazing book… you should read it.

     Where do you work in Neopia?

     A. Work? Work is for suckers.

     B. I'm a tour guide with the Tiki Tours - I love meeting new people.

     C. The Neolodge! I love making every pet experience the best one yet.

     D. The Art Centre. I'm never the focus of attention and I like just hanging out around other Neopians.

     What's your favorite food?

     A. Whatever is in the refrigerator

     B. Whatever I can eat on-the-go: donuts, pretzels, sandwiches.

     C. I LOVE candy! Candy is its own food group, right?

     D. I like fries dipped in chocolate shakes.

     What's your favorite petpet?

     A. Whichever petpet will do my bidding for me.

     B. The Dandan - such a goofball but always down to have a fun time!

     C. The Candychan - they are just the cutest!

     D. The Dragoyle - I think we get along well and we both like shiny things.

     Which section of the Neopian Times do you read first?

     A. Are you suggesting I read? Pfft. I have someone else read it for me.

     B. The Comics! I love a good laugh.

     C. I like reading the short stories section - everyone is so creative!

     D. I read the entire NT from start to finish, in order.

     Where do you start your day?

     A. The bank - to pick up my daily interest neopoints.

     B. The Coffee Cave - I get to see all my friends AND get some much-needed energy for my day.

     C. Sometimes I'm at the Scratch Card Kiosk, sometimes I'm playing RInk Runner with friends. It just kind of depends on my mood.

     D. Castle Nox, or the Obsidian Quarry.

     Where is your guild located?

     A. You can find me in the Scary Cave.

     B. I'll be in Neopia Central, with all my friends!

     C. Meet me in Cute City!

     D. I'm not really one for guilds. Thanks anyways.

     You find a bag of neopoints on the ground. What will you do with it?

     A. Sucker! Finders keepers!

     B. Try to find the rightful owner, but after a week, I'll buy something exciting for me and my friends to share!

     C. Oh no! I'd return it to the rightful owner. Unless it's Jhudora. Then I'd hide it.

     D. I'm not sure we'd find the rightful owner. I'll probably just donate it to The Money Tree or The Pound, whoever needs it more I guess.

     Who do you most admire?

     A. Me, myself, and I.

     B. Armin the Small (AKA Armin the Bori)

     C. I admire Fyora - she's gorgeous and strong, kind but fair.

     D. Brynn, one of the yougest knights to serve in King Hagan's guards.


     Like the Skeith, you're strong and, when using your abilities for good, can be a very effective leader. Your best strengths are in the Battledome, and you know it. You may want to keep your ego in check, because despite all your strength and obsession with hoarding things (especially shiny gold coins...) in your vault, your friends won't have much patience for arrogance. And what's more: if you lose your sense of compassion, you might be seen as bossy and lazy.


     Like the Techo, you are basically a class clown. You love to make others happy by performing acrobatic stunts and telling jokes. You love being outdoors, whether it's scurrying along the beach or flying through the treetops. You always look on the bright side of life, and you're always the one to bring Neopians up when they are down. Your friends look to you as the life of the party, and you love every second of it.

          MOSTLY C's - POOGLE

     Like the Poogle, you seem cute and adorable on the surface, but don't be fooled: your bite is worse than your bark. You play nice until you perceive someone else has wronged you, and then you don't hesitate to put people back in their place (whatever that may take…). You don't mind if other Neopians don't take you very seriously - you're confident in yourself and you know what makes you happy.


     LIke the Draik, you're a little (okay, a lot) weird. It feels like nobody really knows you very well, or maybe that you don't quite belong. But you're special, because you're 100% comfortable with that. You're happy being yourself, even if being yourself means being a little kooky. While no one likes being lonely, you certainly don't mind being alone: you're happiest soaring through the skies, exploring different lands and what they have to offer. Maybe a Techo friend can help bring you out of your shell with others!

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